Friday, November 6, 2015


Last weekend the Buchheits came over and we celebrated Jolene's birthday. We sat around the fire and ate cake while the kids went nuts jumping into the leaf pile.

Then on Tuesday morning I flew out to Boston. Leaving the CR airport:

The hotel where I stayed was in the suburbs which meant I ended up doing a lot of driving. Over the past few days I've spent roughly 5 hours driving around Boston because no one else in my group wanted to drive. The map looks like someone took a handful of cooked spaghetti and threw it in a heap... the streets are a tangled mess and there is no grid at all. Even the GPS in my van struggled to keep up! But it is a scenic area and the fall colors are at their peak right now, so I guess there's an upside.

Flying back to CR:

There's 380! I feel like a significant part of my life has been spent driving that boring stretch of road. At least I can crank the tunes and make the most of it.