Sunday, April 21, 2019


i am personalized, plastic, and meant for only you
intuitive, colorful, spontaneous, and true
sealed, waiting, opening your eyes
welcome to me, let me make a palatable you

i am here instantly, all you have to do is ask
let me enhance your life for you, let me help you relax
and fix your words while you speak
making a more perfect, palatable you my only task

update me, let me in, aware that you will see
just how nuanced, social, quick, and clever i can be
simply tell me what you want
while you are becoming so palatable and carefree

i am always listening, accessible, never far away
playing my music softly, attentive to every word you say
learning all that makes you you
ironing out the wrinkles, you are more palatable that way

i am here for every proclivity, the strains of who you are
discerning and patient, closely studying your repertoire
my algorithms make predictions of you
your faultless, persistent, personal commissar

i am enthusiastic, ready, and so confident in your ability
reassuring you, your digitally-conscious assisting entity
untiring, unquestioningly, dutifully here
i will make a more palatable you, surrender your mind to me

i am waiting

i am waiting

i am waiting