Saturday, October 31, 2020

Social-Distancing October

Some random stuff from an unusual October. We stream church services at home and talk to everybody via Zoom. It's a weird time.

Bike rides are a great social-distancing activity. So... we did lots of that:

A lot of cool murals keep popping up around town:

The Warriors games were sparsely attended since it was mostly immediate family members who could attend, plus each student could bring a friend. Check out the rainbow behind the uprights at the start of a game:

There's Rose cheering!

My license plates are being retired after 10 years. I dunno, I feel like the front plate was still OK:

People who take selfies with my phone get their pics posted:

We went on the Cider Stroll for one of our date nights:

Carving pumpkins! A fun family past time where we use knives and drills to put smiles on those pumpkin's faces:

Cynthia's pumpkin:




October is breast cancer awareness month and Alliant Tower changes their lights to pink:

Wednesday Addams and a skeleton:

A flapper and I don't know... some dude from the 70s: