Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Christmas 2016

Rose sang in the middle school choir for the Christmas special. See her over there on the right? Front row.

This is the first year that Lily did not take out the tree. And this is the first Christmas in our new house!

The morning of Christmas Eve.

We went to the Conrads later in the afternoon and stayed through Christmas Day.

Then the following day we celebrated Christmas with my parents. You can tell Emily doesn't like Christmas.

My dad bought a new .22 scoped rifle, so we went outside after opening gifts and took turns shooting at a cardboard target. That is the easiest gun I've ever shot; it makes you feel like a sharpshooter because it's nearly impossible to miss your target. No recoil, just precision target practice!

One of my gifts this year was this toy airplane that belonged to my Grandpa Nodland in the 1930s. It's in surprisingly good condition for being over 80 years old. It has a really gnarly metal gear wheel underneath with super sharp teeth that a rubber band would have wrapped around to turn the thin metal propellors when the wheels turn. A safe toy for any kid!