Thursday, November 30, 2023

November 2023

Cynthia and I celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary this month! We went to Black Sheep for dinner and Rose was working there that night, too. It's cool to see her working and being all grownup.  

When we got home, Emily was playing guitar. She was teaching herself a Violent Femmes song. She's very musical.

For my birthday we went to the Quarter Barrel cuz I'm a kid and like eating pizza and playing video games. 

I put the Christmas lights up before Thanksgiving and a week later we had snow:

Daniel's Park with the sun setting behind the few surviving trees:

And as is our tradition we went to Sharon's to help put up the tree and decorations. Her Christmas tree base was junk and didn't keep the tree upright very well, so I built a new one:

Alice and her weird obsession with the bathtub. For a cat who doesn't like to get wet she spends a lot of time in there. Weirdo.

It was a very mild and sunny November, perfect for being outdoors.