Tuesday, March 31, 2020


March is the month when we celebrate Emily's birthday! Emily turned 12 this year. She's growing up so fast.

Her friends stayed over and partied and made noise most of the night:

Free cone day at DQ! Er, wait, we showed up on the wrong day. Oops. Who cares... cone day at DQ!

Rose and Emily are having a great time sheltering in place:

Running off some steam jumping on the trampoline:

We sat outside around the fire a lot, too. Not having places to go is getting a little old, but we're getting by and finding things to do.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


atomic dye, boiling, burning
compiled subroutines
drowning out echoes
crossing cold signals
whatever they mean
a beckoned force
stepping over uncrossable lines
strap on your boots
it's reckoning time

the warning was issued
but returned no reply
the summons like ashes
on sunset's rays die
scattered lights pierce the hillsides
the call has gone out
searching hounds set loose now
as darkest night falls about

diplomacy is gone, bulletins torn down
an olive branch gesture
rescind the offer
get out of town
extend a warning
to those you hope to spare
the apparatus awakens
wheels turn slowly
meet its gaze if you dare

teeth, but no taste
caustic acid turns sweat
through fibers that are melting
on this number no one will bet
get the lead out
and pick up the pace
finish your clichés
it's time to pay up your debt