Monday, May 31, 2021

May 2021

May is the month of Cynthia's birthday, so here we go...  her birthday cake masterfully decorated by me. I went beastmode with the sprinkles to distract from the really bad lettering:

Does it look like there are two different cakes pictured here? That's because there were, so stop asking questions. It turned out fine.

Blowing out the candles:


Then we had a separate birthday celebration in our garage (as is our tradition) with family and friends:

The ragged post-derecho skyline. At least the yard is turning green again and the grass is starting to fill back in:

Havin' a fire with these weirdos:

My cousin Stephen passed away on May 3rd. It was a shock and happened so suddenly. He didn't make it through his 20s and I feel bad that I didn't know him better. There was a brief and bittersweet family reunion when my siblings and parents came out for the funeral.