Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A Green Christmas

It was a green Christmas, but I predict a long and snowy winter. I also predict that tomorrow will be the first day of 2020. Playing it safe.

Emily's 6th grade holiday choir recital was at the beginning of December and both sets of grandparents came to watch. If you look closely you can see that Emily even dressed up in her best UNI hoodie:

Rose goes to youth group where they do whatever is going on here:

We decorated for Christmas:

My paternal grandpa, Burdette Nodland, passed away on December 15th. He lived to be 96 years old and led a life full of good memories. It was great to see so many people at the visitation, some of them I hadn't seen in a long time. The funeral service was followed by a military honors ceremony at the graveside.

Here are a few of the photos from his life that I thought were interesting. In this first photo, my grandpa is on the right, standing next to his older brother Archie:

I'm not sure who the guy with the overcoat is (maybe Archie?), but my grandpa is the stylish guy on the right:

Below is a photo from when he served in the Navy aboard the USS Catron in WWII where he was a gunner and a baker. He's the guy standing on the right:

Archie on the left and my grandpa on the right:

This picture of my grandparents was taken in the late 50s. My dad is in the middle:

Rose took our picture after we came home from the funeral. Aren't we spiffy:

The Sunday before Christmas we were at the Conrad's with Sue and the Behans. Then for the Nodland Christmas this year my siblings and their families made the trek up to Iowa so that we could all be together for the first time in 4 years. It was a blast to see everyone and it was our first time meeting Ashlen. Willow and Ashlen are both super cute kids. Since the house where my parents are staying right now is so small, we spent most of our time at their church:

We celebrated Abby's and Willow's birthdays, too, since both birthdays are right after Christmas:

Finally, our own family Christmas at home:

Lily does not care about your merry Christmas.

Excited to see what 2020 holds for us!