Monday, March 23, 2015


Taking some of today's technology and setting it into the style and context of the 1800s or even early 1900s is part of what really fascinates me about the steampunk genre. Imagining how some of the inventions that exist now would have looked if they had been crafted back in the time of horse-drawn buggies and top hats lends itself to some interesting themed photography scenarios. Since themed photography is the direction I have taken over the past year or so, I decided it was time to experiment with things steampunk style.

Steampunk costumes and props are crazy expensive, but many of the elements are easy enough to make at home. The internetz are bursting with steampunk DIY tutorials and blogs that explore all the weird little complexities of the genre. I'm not a big fan of anything sci-fi (and I particularly dislike Star Trek), but I guess this is different enough that it sparks my interest, partly because I enjoy reading books set in the 1800s and early 1900s.

After some research I figured we could make the props easily enough, so we gathered up the materials and started making the props and costume. Cynthia made the dress after gathering some ideas on Pinterest and she tailored it to our model's (Heather) measurements.

We bought a cheap squirt gun at Kmart and with some paint we turned it into a nifty, complicated-looking contraption.

The goggles were made from safety glasses, frozen lemonade cans, a parmesan cheese lid and a few other odds and ends.

Next, we lined up a makeup artist and hairstylist (Olivia) and scheduled a day to do the shoot. Olivia has had a lot of experience and spent time in New York doing the makeup for some productions out there before coming back to CR. She was ready to update her portfolio with something more offbeat like a steampunk shoot, so she agreed to do the makeup and hairstyling at no charge in exchange for using the photos from the shoot.

Since Heather lives in Des Moines, we picked a day that she had free so we wouldn't have to rush it. The hair and makeup took hours to complete, but it was worth the trouble! We had scoped out a few new spots to shoot, which always helps with the creative spark (plus it gets boring to always shoot in the same places) and we headed out.

The sun was setting, so we shot outdoors first while we still had some golden sunlight.

There are so many interesting places to shoot around CR, and I keep discovering more nifty spots that are off the beaten path. I think I've found a new favorite location!

Sunday, March 22, 2015


watching the flickering glow all night
like some religious truth spoke through the light
in your time-obliterating trance you sit
surfing amongst spectacles so unfit

the words ring hollow, recited from a script
yet still you watch and here you sit
waiting for that moment of shattering truth
the words that give emptiness its proof

that catchy line tattooed in your mind
it's a cheap phrase thrown for the culturally blind
it enthralls and intrigues those who are unread
they shuffle through thoughts, the living undead

awake, transfixed, though the denouement means little
tidy gift wrapped episodes stream inconsequential
down your chin and your shirt, unnoticed too
amongst the crumbs and the crackers cast about by you

laborious thoughts of life's toils that matter
lay tossed about as before vacant waves they scatter
the refreshing numbing sense of nothing sets in
evidenced clearly as your face traces a grin

the last remnants of thought call warning with a shout
behold! and awaken! together they call out
but their cries are swept beneath electrical seas
all at once you are alone, without thoughts, at ease

Friday, March 20, 2015

Hey, You're Not Irish

But they let us in, anyway. Wearin' o' the green gets ya in the door, which is good because John and Roxi's St. Patrick's Day party was a blast. They had corned beef and cabbage, potatoes, carrots, shepherd's pie, Mulligan stew (which isn't really Irish at all, but still good), and some other dish with pulled pork and cabbage and something that was like mustard all cooked in a crust that was really good. They passed around shots of Bailey's after the meal and we all cheered. It was cool to see other people that we knew there and to sit with the Herbs. I've done senior pictures for all four of their kids now and I feel like it was some big accomplishment on my part. I have this weird sense of pride when I see their kids all growing up and starting their adult lives. Geez, I'm old.

On the 16th, we lined up for our free ice cream at the DQ near our house. DQ was celebrating their 75th anniversary by giving away free ice cream cones all day and there's no way we're passing that up!

Cynthia dug out her old keyboard and Rose has been studying the music books that came with it and learning to play songs. It was really painful to listen to at first, but she practices every day and now she's got it figured out.

Ah, finally it's warm enough to sit on the front porch for supper. I missed grilling and sitting on the front porch. Winter sucks!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Emily's Birthday Pictures

Emily is 7! How can that be?? She used to be this little girl who could easily sit in our laps and now she has almost caught up to Rose in height (Rose does not approve).

Even though her birthday was on a Friday, there was no school that day, so she invited her friends and they all had a big birthday bash at the Playstation. The party got off to a rough start when she tripped getting out of the car and fell hitting her chin on the pavement and splitting her chin open. The lady at the Playstation was really nice about it and patched her up and even gave her a stuffed animal for her troubles. Luckily, the rest of the day went better for her.

We had a second birthday celebration at home that evening and she opened her presents from her grandparents and from us.

Something's wrong with her eye!

Time for cake!