Thursday, December 22, 2011


Writing a blog has been a new experience for me. I have a lot of things to say, but it's tricky to know how to say them or even where to start. I guess one of the most important things is honesty. I've read blog posts from other people who I know personally and they aren't even honest with themselves. How messed up is that when you can't even be truthful about your life in your own blog?! A personal blog should be the one place where you can tell it like it is. No whitewashing, glossing things over, or distorting the facts. Otherwise it's just fiction. Which is fine, as long as everybody knows it's fiction. Anyway...

So I'll start off my blog with some honesty: I'm typing this while sitting at my desk at work. Yup, I'm writing this while on company time. My excuse for this is that we have some downtime at the moment and there isn't anything else to do. I simply have to be here in case a problem pops up or a rush project gets thrown my way. It's the day before Christmas vacation and we have completed all of the 2011 publishing deadlines. So here I am at my desk typing away and my coworkers are surfing the internet. Probably should have been a sick day. Oh well.

On the upside, one of my carpool peeps brought me a plate of cookies this morning which made for a great breakfast. I don't know why everyone bothers with trying to eat healthy crap to start off their day. Most of the "healthy" stuff you buy in the store is loaded with sugar and preservatives. Some of the granola bars have almost as much sugar as a candy bar. They're overpriced, lack protein, and generally underwhelming. At least with cookies you know what you're getting. And cookies don't come in a foil wrapper that explodes saw dust all over when you try to open it. Yeah, I'm talkin' to you, Nature Valley!

Let's see, where was I... oh right, talking about blog writing. Blog writing has been kinda fun. I used to write stuff every so often and then delete it when I was done. I didn't really have anywhere to post it and I'm shunning Facebook because it's against my religion (not really, I just got Facebooked-out). Now that I have this blog, I can post all sorts of ridiculous, cockamamie stuff. And I can use words like "cockamamie" just to annoy everyone who reads this. In fact, I think I'll start dropping some old-timey words and phrases into my blog posts from now on and no one will know what the sam hill I'm talking about. See if that don't butter your necktie.

Alright, I should get back to eating cookies. Hope everyone has a great Christmas!