Monday, February 20, 2012

While I was sleeping

(I'm re-posting this one since I had to delete the original post because it was drawing a lot of spam. Someone from Russia was trying to use this post to promote dental implants.)

Every night I have dreams and often those dreams are very vivid. In my dreams, I can feel texture, smell odors, and after I wake up I can remember the most miniscule details. Most mornings I can remember details about my dreams, such as the location of light switches in a room, the color of someone's eyes (someone who doesn't even exist), whether the air was warm or cold, the food that I ate, and countless other fragments of information. When I first wake up, all of this stuff is very clear and sometimes I lie in bed for a moment trying to get my bearings because I'm not always sure at first if it was a dream or if it really happened. Dreams can leave me extremely uneasy sometimes. Especially when I have a dream that something bad is about to happen and it's so clear that when I wake up I still think that something is about to go wrong.

The other night I had a dream that I was the manager for some Japanese punk band during their U.S. tour. Does it get any weirder than that? Yes, it does. They were a bunch of hipster kids who barely spoke two words in English. They also insisted on having apple pie after each show. Their favorite restaurant was Perkins and they liked to throw things at me when I wasn't looking. The bass player developed a liking of country music. This apparently caused some sort of rift in the band and they had a big falling out. I couldn't understand what they were talking about (because I don't speak Japanese), but it must have been serious because the rest of the band took off with the tour bus leaving the bass player and I stranded at a truck stop. Then my alarm clock went off and I woke up.

I sometimes wonder if I should document my dreams because they are so strange and so clear. They fade so quickly from my memory as the day goes on, but they leave such a powerful impression on me that I keep thinking about them throughout the day, even as the details begin to grow dim. I wonder why we dream? Do they sometimes serve as some sort of warning? Why do they fade so quickly? And what English-speaking person has dreams in Japanese?! How messed up is that?