Friday, June 15, 2012

Who killed Laura Palmer?

It has been way too long since I lasted posted on here, but I have been so busy. Too busy. I sort of feel like I'm drowning, I can't keep up with it all. It's not a good feeling.

A montage of dreams:
  • I went to a wedding shower (which traditionally exclude dudes) and it turned out to really be a shower. We went into a large room with water spouts on the ceiling and everyone started taking their clothes off. I've always been sort of curious about wedding showers and now I am not.
  • I posed as a realtor and tried selling homes to people without the owner's consent. All I did was walk the streets until I saw a house that looked nice and then I would wait for someone to come along so that I could give them my impromptu sales pitch. It was pointless, but it worked surprisingly well.
  • There was the dream where I couldn't close my eyes no matter how hard I tried. That was disturbing. A 20s or 30s cartoony guy smoking a cigar would show up and start laughing each time I tried to close my eyes. He looked a lot like some old drawings I've seen of the man in the moon.
  • In the most recent dream, I stood with a group of people at the top of a long wooden stairway looking down. None of us wanted to walk down the stairs for some reason, and we all stood around trying to convince each other to go first because we were all too chicken to take the first step. It was a dark stairway with a red carpet runner and we couldn't see the bottom. I finally realized that if I didn't go, no one would, so I took one step. Once I took that step, I discovered that I wouldn't be able to stop or go back, so I had to keep going. That's all I can remember from that one.

Also, I got out the guitar and played for a while last night. Ah... guitar. It's been so long since I actually played it, aside from Tuesday nights and Sunday mornings. It felt great to play whatever popped into my head. No one was home, so I cranked the amp and played it like it's meant to be played.

So there's my post for now. Don't that beat all? (another great old timey phrase)