Thursday, January 23, 2014

A Frozen Sky

The suspension was frozen on the car this morning and rolling down I-380 at 70 mph with locked suspension feels sort of like when I was a kid riding in a metal Radio Flyer wagon being pulled along really fast behind a friend's bicycle over a bumpy sidewalk. The novelty wears off quickly.

But there was a really cool sunrise as I was driving to work. And when I say "cool," I mean -11ยบ with an even lower wind chill. The sky and the entire landscape was a grayish-blue, but the sun shone a bright orange with a vertical flare that stretched up past the clouds. I noticed a sundog to the left of the sun and then after a few minutes I could see that there was actually a second one to the right! My carpool passenger snapped a few pictures as we reached the top of a hill, out away from the trees (I haven't seen those pictures yet, but I'm sure they are mind-blowing).

Winter is great and as much as I like scraping ice and frost off of the car, and shoveling driveways and walks, and feeling the moisture from my breath freeze my beard, and being reminded of my mortality every time I try to go for a walk longer than 5 minutes... I am looking forward to spring.