Monday, August 11, 2014

Quad City Air Show, Part 1

The Quad City Air Show was a blast this year and my dad and brother Dave joined me. We got there early enough to get seats right up at the fence closest to the runway and then we walked around and looked at the static displays. Some of the larger aircraft were open and we walked through them. I was surprised at how much space there is inside a twin-rotor Chinook.

Dave struck a ridiculous pose in front of the toothy grin of a Vietnam-era fighter jet so that I could take his picture so he could send it to his fiancee. I'd like to post that series of photos, but I took them with his camera and I don't think he's going to send them to me, ha.

I talked to some of the pilots as we walked near the runway entrance and ran across a guy who goes to our church! Did not know he was a pilot. It's weird to run across someone you know in a place you don't expect.

Dave is surprisingly adept at avoiding getting his picture taken, but I am surprisingly adept at taking people's pictures...

We took a lot of photos during the air show and Dave used his new Samsung Galaxy to take pictures. After 3.5 hours of taking pictures, he decided to review his shots and discovered that he had taken selfies the whole time! He had a gazillion priceless shots of himself squinting at the sky and some great close-ups of his sunburnt nose. Apparently he had the wrong camera selected and it was so bright out that he could not see the display, so he just kept shooting and hoped for the best.

More photos in the next post...