Friday, March 20, 2015

Hey, You're Not Irish

But they let us in, anyway. Wearin' o' the green gets ya in the door, which is good because John and Roxi's St. Patrick's Day party was a blast. They had corned beef and cabbage, potatoes, carrots, shepherd's pie, Mulligan stew (which isn't really Irish at all, but still good), and some other dish with pulled pork and cabbage and something that was like mustard all cooked in a crust that was really good. They passed around shots of Bailey's after the meal and we all cheered. It was cool to see other people that we knew there and to sit with the Herbs. I've done senior pictures for all four of their kids now and I feel like it was some big accomplishment on my part. I have this weird sense of pride when I see their kids all growing up and starting their adult lives. Geez, I'm old.

On the 16th, we lined up for our free ice cream at the DQ near our house. DQ was celebrating their 75th anniversary by giving away free ice cream cones all day and there's no way we're passing that up!

Cynthia dug out her old keyboard and Rose has been studying the music books that came with it and learning to play songs. It was really painful to listen to at first, but she practices every day and now she's got it figured out.

Ah, finally it's warm enough to sit on the front porch for supper. I missed grilling and sitting on the front porch. Winter sucks!