Thursday, August 1, 2019

Havin' a Weird Summer

Weird Al came back and played another show at the McGrath Amphitheater, but this time we got to bring Rose and Emily along. I think they had fun, Rose shot video of several of his songs. There was a full orchestra on the tour as well and they started off the show by playing movie soundtracks (mostly John Williams) before Weird Al came out. It was a little baffling how many people around us did not recognize the themes to Indiana Jones, Superman, or Mission Impossible, but at least most of them recognized the Star Wars theme. Sheesh. Dumb Iowans. 

Golden hour photo op:

Weird Al walked past our row as he sang "Tacky" and my phone captured stellar pictures. I either caught snapshots of Weird Al or Bigfoot, you decide:

We laughed at the drunk lady who was following him around and losing her mind:

And of course the show ended with "The Saga Begins" and "Yoda."