Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Old photos

We were looking through some of our photo albums from several years ago and I wanted to scan a few to post here. The scanner won't have anything to do with them, so I had to take pictures of them with a point and shoot. The quality is not so good, but I'm not about to go buy another scanner.

When we lived in Des Moines, there was a huge snowstorm that shut down everything for a few days in early 2003. The snow on our street completely buried all the cars and we couldn't drive anywhere for a while. You can see our Taurus... sort of.

This is from a camping trip in the summer of 2003:

And a trip to Chicago:

Fast-forward to 2006. Rose was only a year old when we took this picture at the Saylorville Dam:

Playing in our front yard in Des Moines:

Rose trying to hide in her toybox:

Rose and Cynthia in front of our old house:

Christmas that year:

Ringing in the New Year in 2007:

Another camping trip:

Rose :)