Thursday, July 23, 2015

Baby Book Photos, Part 2

Hanging out with my mom and playing with a puppet that she made for me, June 1979:

August 1979:

These next two pictures were taken at the Brackin's place in Oskaloosa. They lived on 22 acres of mostly wooded land and there was a creek that ran through it. Growing up I stayed with them several times and had so many adventures exploring those woods and building bridges to cross the creek.

September 1979: My dad took this shot at exactly the right moment!

I still have this Tonka dump truck on a shelf in my garage. It was a birthday present in November of 1979:

For Christmas in 1979 we went to my grandpa and grandma Nodland's house in Ankeny first and then celebrated Christmas at the Brackin's house the next day:


My dad rockin' his Christmas sweater:

February 1980: Jammin' with some gigantic headphones! My dad had lots of vinyl.

Easter 1980: It looks we stayed in Chicago for Easter this year.

This picture of me wearing a wooden Sesame Street puzzle piece was from the spring of 1980:

That's not a microwave in the background, that's a TV. The kind that hummed and buzzed and had things like "rabbit ears" and "vertical hold" and had separate knobs for things like "VHF" and "UHF." Nobody even knows what that is anymore... kids these days. It was hard work to watch something back then: