Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hollywood Ave, Again

I've posted a picture before of my old flat where I lived as a kid, but I was looking on Google Street View and this shot of it looks so much better than my old snapshot that I had to post it. Ah, memories. This was a great place to live and I wouldn't change one single thing about that part of my life. So many friends and good times, so many great experiences... and all of it in the best city.

The house has changed very little, except that the front door used to be yellow and that tree wasn't there. Instead, there was a fir tree closer to the front left of the house. My mom used to have lots of flowers growing along the front of the house, too. My friend Miriam Shedd used to live with her family on the top floor of the flat to the right. Her bedroom window was on the left side and since my bedroom window was on the right side of our flat, we used to open our bedroom windows and yell to each other!